Take a deep breath to assimilate what you have experienced.

18 April 2022

Breathe. Breathe deeply. Close our eyes. Charge ourselves with energy. Pausing consciously is not always easy, but it is always necessary. That's what I've been looking for these days and I almost got it... I was very close.

After a few really intense weeks, without respite, full of emotions, with a hectic pace and absolute personal dedication, it is not so easy to slow down. My body asked me to stop, to sleep, to breathe... but my mind continued with that inertia that does not deactivate any switch. Even so, I return with enthusiasm, eager to work in the studio on those paused works and to start new ones that live in my head and are ready to go out into the world.

The sea is capable of recharging me in an instant, that's all I need. A moment in which I connect with its smell, with its sound, with the reflections of the light, with the foam... an opportunity to find myself again. To take stock of what I have lived these weeks. To give thanks.

When in the summer of 2020 I created the sculpture "Somos abrazo" (We are embrace) with the intention of making it reach every corner, I could not imagine everything that is emerging from this work, everything that it manages to transmit and all the emotion that it makes me feel. The inauguration of the second piece, the first one in the street, in Alcalá de Henares was really solemn and emotional, and that same day the art and dance project began to take shape together with Emily Chamberlin and Peter James. If you have read my previous posts you can get an idea of what these weeks have meant to me, you can also imagine that I needed a break and these Easter days have been perfect to do so.

On Wednesday, 13 April, I had the opportunity to present my projects in a very special space, the "Let's Connect" programme of the Fundación Ciencias de la Documentación, where the president of Club Impulso, José Raúl Vaquero, interviewed me to present my career and my projects to all the members of this international club that seeks to promote female talent and of which I am a member. Today, as I return with energy to continue creating and working on the projects I have underway, I would like to share this interview. I hope that the excitement of living my vocation, accepting new challenges and continuing to learn every day will also help you to discover all that you are capable of.

Breathe. Close your eyes. Be grateful... and take one more step.

A hug!

A little more on current affairs...

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